I'll Tell You Exactly How I Increased My Rating +100 Points in Just 9 Days...

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Marc Cressac; Chess Fact-Checked by Marc Cressac | Updated 2023-03-21
Founder ofย Chessily.com

FIDE to Chess.com Rating Converter

Ever wondered what your Chess.com rating is (even though you never played on Chess.com before)? Well, if you have a FIDE (or Elo) rating, simple convert that to your estimated Chess.com rating with our calculator:

How Does The Elo To Chess.com Calculator Work?

Our Elo to Chess.com Rating Calculator works based on a formula is based on a regression analysis of empirical data that was collected from comparing FIDE (which are using the Elo rating system) ratings and Chess.com ratings of thousands of players. The formula tries to find the best fit line that minimizes the error between the actual and predicted ratings (anyone remember regression analysis?).ย 

Limitations of the FIDE to Chess.com Converter

Some possible limitations of this formula/calculator are:

  • It may not be accurate for players who have very high or very low ratings, as they may have fewer data points to compare with or they may have different rating distributions than the average player.
  • It may not reflect the current rating trends or changes, as it is based on historical data that may become outdated or obsolete over time.
  • It may not account for the differences in playing conditions, such as time control, opponent strength, rating system, etc., that may affect the performance and rating of players on different platforms.

I'll Tell You Exactly How I Increased My Rating +100 Points in Just 9 Days...

Let me help you get your chess to the next level โ€“ no matter your starting point!

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