Home » Chess.com to Lichess Rating Converter
Chess.com to Lichess Rating Converter
With our free converter, you can calculate your estimated Lichess Rating, given you know your Chess.com rating:
How Does The Chess.com To Lichess Converter Work?
The calculator works by using a formula that estimates the relationship between Chess.com and Lichess ratings based on a regression analysis of public rating data. Regression analysis is a statistical method that allows us to find the best-fitting line (or curve) that describes how one variable (in this case, Lichess rating) depends on another variable (in this case, Chess.com rating). The formula is derived from finding the coefficients that minimize the sum of squared errors between the observed ratings and the predicted ratings. The formula also includes a quadratic term to account for the curvature in the data. Mathematically, the formula can be written as:
Lichess Rating = 400 + 0.8 * Chess.com Rating + 0.0002 * Chess.com Rating * Chess.com Rating
This means that for every one point increase in Chess.com rating, we expect an increase of 0.8 points in Lichess rating, plus an additional 0.0002 points for every point of Chess.com rating squared. The constant term of 400 is added to adjust for the difference in starting ratings between the two platforms.
Limitations of the Chess.com to Lichess Calculator
Some drawbacks or limitations of this Chess.com to Lichess Rating converter are:
- It is based on a sample of players who have both Chess.com and Lichess ratings, which may not be representative of the entire population of chess players.
- It assumes a quadratic relationship between the two ratings, which may not capture all the nuances or variations in the data.
- It does not account for other factors that may affect the ratings, such as playing style, time control, rating inflation or deflation, etc.
- It only provides an estimate of the Lichess rating based on the Chess.com rating, which may not match the actual Lichess rating that a player would achieve if they played on that platform.
- It may not be updated regularly to reflect changes in the rating distributions or systems of either platform.