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Marc Cressac; Chess Fact-Checked by Marc Cressac | Updated 2022-05-16
Founder of Chessily.com

The white queen is placed on the square d1, the black queen on d8. Both queens occupy the center square on the back row which fits their color: white queen – light square; black queen – dark square.


Marc Cressac; Chess Fact-Checked by Marc Cressac | Updated 2022-05-16
Founder of Chessily.com

The chess board needs to be rotated in a way that both players have a dark square in their respective lower-left corners. If the board has numbers and letters on the side, the a1-square needs to be the lower-left square for White.

I'll Tell You Exactly How I Increased My Rating +100 Points in Just 9 Days...

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