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Marc Cressac; Chess Fact-Checked by Marc Cressac | Updated 2023-03-21
Founder ofΒ Chessily.com

Lichess to Chess.com Rating Calculator

Estimate your Chess.com rating, given you currently play on, and know your lichess rating:

How Does The Lichess To Chess.com Rating Calculator Work?

The idea behind the Lichess to Chess.com rating converter is to find a mathematical function that can map a Lichess rating to a Chess.com rating. This function should capture the general pattern or trend in the data, as well as the variation or noise around it. To do this, we can use a technique called regression analysis. All datapoints were gathered from public Chess.com and Lichess rating databases.

Regression analysis is a way of finding the best-fitting line (or curve) that describes how one variable (the dependent variable) depends on another variable (the independent variable). For example, if we want to predict how much a house will sell for based on its size, we can use regression analysis to find a line that shows how the price (the dependent variable) changes with the size (the independent variable).

To find the best-fitting line (or curve), we need to define a criterion that measures how well the line (or curve) fits the data. One common criterion is to minimize the sum of squared errors between the observed values and the predicted values. The errors are also called residuals, and they represent how much each data point deviates from the line (or curve).

Having found the best-fitting curve, we can use it to predict Chess.com rating points, based on a given input of Lichess rating.Β That’s what the calculator does.

Limitations and Drawbacks of the Lichess To Chess.Com Converter

  • It is based on a sample of players who have both Chess.com and Lichess ratings, which may not be representative of the entire population of chess players.
  • It assumes a quadratic relationship between the two ratings, which may not capture all the nuances or variations in the data.
  • It does not account for other factors that may affect the ratings, such as playing style, time control, rating inflation or deflation, etc.
  • It only provides an estimate of the Chess.com rating based on the Lichess rating, which may not match the actual Chess.com rating that a player would achieve if they played on that platform.
  • It may not be updated regularly to reflect changes in the rating distributions or systems of either platform.

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