I'll Tell You Exactly How I Increased My Rating +100 Points in Just 9 Days...

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how chess can help your brain

Marc Cressac; Chess Fact-Checked by Marc Cressac | Updated 2023-04-12
Founder ofΒ Chessily.com

How Chess Can Help Your Brain Chess is often referred to as the game of kings for a good reason – it challenges the mind and offers a myriad of cognitive and mental health benefits. In this article, we will explore how chess can help your brain, improve memory, and sharpen critical thinking skills. Cognitive … Read more


Marc Cressac; Chess Fact-Checked by Marc Cressac | Updated 2023-01-11
Founder ofΒ Chessily.com

Chess and Insanity: A Look at the Facts For centuries, chess has been considered a strategic and intellectual game. But some believe that the intense focus and mental strain required to play the game can lead to insanity. Is there some truth to this and should you be worried about going crazy when playing chess? … Read more


Marc Cressac; Chess Fact-Checked by Marc Cressac | Updated 2023-02-08
Founder ofΒ Chessily.com

Chess and Intelligence: A Look at The Facts Chess is a game that is often associated with intelligence. Many people believe that being good at chess means that you are smart. But is that really true? In this article, we will explore the relationship between intelligence and chess ability, and whether or not the two … Read more


Marc Cressac; Chess Fact-Checked by Marc Cressac | Updated 2023-01-15
Founder ofΒ Chessily.com

Can Chess Cause Stress? While playing chess can provide many benefits, including improved concentration, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking, it can also cause stress. In fact, some people find the intensity of chess to be overwhelming and avoid playing the game altogether. Not to mention the stress you feel when blundering a piece or running … Read more


Marc Cressac; Chess Fact-Checked by Marc Cressac | Updated 2023-01-14
Founder ofΒ Chessily.com

Does Chess Relieve Stress? Chess is a beloved game that has been played for centuries. Not only is it a fun and challenging way to pass the time, but it can also have numerous benefits for your mental health. In particular, chess can be a great way to relieve stress and improve your overall well-being. … Read more


Marc Cressac; Chess Fact-Checked by Marc Cressac | Updated 2023-01-13
Founder ofΒ Chessily.com

Does Playing Chess Burn Calories? If Yes, How Many? Chess is often thought of as a sedentary activity, but recent research has shown that it can actually be a good way to burn calories. In this article, we will explore the calorie-burning potential of chess and discuss how it can be incorporated into a healthy … Read more


Marc Cressac; Chess Fact-Checked by Marc Cressac | Updated 2023-01-13
Founder ofΒ Chessily.com

Every Kid Should Play Chess. Here’s Why. Admittetly, the title might be worded a bit too firmly. But there is no doubt that chess has a lot of benefits, both cognitive and social in nature, that every child should at least be able to try and take advantage of. So in this article we’ll make … Read more

I'll Tell You Exactly How I Increased My Rating +100 Points in Just 9 Days...

Let me help you get your chess to the next level – no matter your starting point!

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